
How Safe Is Cord Blood Banking & What Should Parents Know?

How Safe Is Cord Blood Banking & What Should Parents Know?

As expectant parents, you are constantly faced with important decisions that impact your child’s future health. One of these decisions is whether to preserve your baby’s cord blood through cord blood banking. The concept may sound overwhelming at first, but it’s essential to understand the safety, benefits, and what you need to know as a parent. This article will break down the safety of cord blood banking, explain the process, and help you decide if it’s right for your family.

What Is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing the blood from a newborn’s umbilical cord. This blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which are the building blocks for producing blood and immune cells. These stem cells have been successfully used to treat over 80 diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, certain genetic disorders, and immune deficiencies.

The collection process happens immediately after birth, and the blood is stored in a specialized facility for future use. Whether you decide to bank it privately for your own family or donate it to a public bank for others in need, cord blood is an invaluable resource.

How Safe Is Cord Blood Banking?

1. Safe & Non-Invasive Collection

One of the most significant advantages of cord blood banking is that it is entirely non-invasive. The procedure is done right after the delivery, once the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. Whether you have a vaginal or cesarean birth, the process is the same:

  • The healthcare provider collects the blood from the umbilical cord using a sterile kit.
  • It does not affect the birthing process or interfere with the bonding time between the parents and the baby.
  • The collection procedure takes only a few minutes and does not cause any harm to either the mother or the baby.

There is no physical pain involved, no special medical preparation needed, and it does not alter the birth experience.

2. Strict Safety Standards For Storage

Cord blood must be stored in highly controlled environments to ensure it remains viable for future use. Reputable stem cell banks, like LifeCell, follow rigorous protocols to ensure that your baby’s cord blood is processed and stored safely. The storage process involves:

  • Cryopreservation: After the cord blood is collected, it is processed to remove excess components like red blood cells. The stem cells are then cryogenically frozen at ultra-low temperatures, ensuring their long-term viability.
  • FDA and AABB Standards: Accredited cord blood banks follow the strict guidelines set by regulatory bodies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and AABB (American Association of Blood Banks). These regulations ensure that the collection, processing, and storage meet the highest safety standards.
  • Backup and Security: Trusted banks ensure that your cord blood is securely stored, often in multiple locations, to protect against natural disasters or equipment failure.

3. No Risks For The Baby Or Mother

Cord blood collection has no risks for the mother or baby. The process takes place after the umbilical cord has been clamped & cut, so there is no interference with the birthing process or the health of the newborn. Additionally, this blood is normally discarded as medical waste if not collected, making its preservation a safe and responsible choice.

What Should Parents Know About Cord Blood Banking?

1. Consider The Potential Uses

Cord blood banking provides a powerful health resource for your child and possibly for other family members. The stem cells collected can be used to treat over 80 severe diseases, including:

  • Cancers like leukemia and lymphoma
  • Blood disorders like sickle cell anemia and thalassemia
  • Immune deficiencies and certain genetic conditions

While the likelihood of needing cord blood for treatment is low, having it banked offers peace of mind. It also has potential future uses as research into stem cell therapies continues to expand, especially in areas like regenerative medicine.

2. Public vs. Private Banking

There are two primary options for storing cord blood:

  • Public Cord Blood Banking: If you donate your baby’s cord blood to a public bank, it becomes available to anyone in need. This option is free and helps support medical research and treatments for others, but you lose access to the cord blood for your own family.
  • Private Cord Blood Banking: Private Cord Blood Banking: This option allows you to store your baby’s cord blood for exclusive use by your family. While there is a cost involved, it ensures immediate access to a genetically matched source of stem cells, should your child or other family members need them. In India, LifeCell stands at the forefront of stem cell banking in India, offering both private and community banking solutions. As a leading provider of private cord blood banking, we ensure the utmost safety and security of your baby’s stem cells through our comprehensive services. In addition, LifeCell is proud to be the only national provider of a unique Community Stem Cell Banking program in India. This innovative program blends the best aspects of both public and private banking models, allowing parents to preserve their baby’s stem cells at an affordable annual fee.

3. Costs & Financial Considerations

Private cord blood banking does come with associated costs, including initial collection fees and long-term storage fees. In India, the cost of private cord blood banking typically ranges from ₹50,000 to ₹1.5 lakhs, depending on the service provider and the length of storage.

Companies like LifeCell offer flexible payment plans and discounts to make cord blood banking more affordable for families. With its advanced infrastructure and industry experience, LifeCell is known for providing one of the most comprehensive and trusted cord blood banking services in India.


Cord blood banking is a safe, non-invasive process that offers a wealth of potential health benefits for your family. The safety protocols followed by reputable banks like LifeCell ensure that your baby’s cord blood is stored securely and remains viable for decades.

As parents, it’s important to weigh the benefits and costs of cord blood banking and make an informed decision. Whether you choose public or private banking, cord blood can be a powerful tool in protecting your child’s future health and supporting ongoing medical advancements.

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