What is the full form of EDP

FULL FORM – The full form of EDP is “Electronic Data Processing”. Data is processed by EDP in various ways. After the advent of computer technology, the processing of data has started to be done electronically. Electronic data processing has many benefits. Let us now get other general information about it.
Electronic data processing is used to convert data into meaningful information by electronic means. Generally, computers are used in EDP, the speed, precision of processing and the ability to store large amounts of data have made computers a powerful tool for data processing.
Electronic Data Processing is nothing but a synonym for IS (Information Services or Systems) or MIS (Management Information Services or Systems).
It refers to the process of storing documents, storing documents, transferring information from paper into digital format with the use of computers associated with electronic communication. It was coined with the term DP (Data Processing). In simple words, it is a process consisting of three steps which are as follows −
- Input − Data is entered through input devices such as keyboards, digitizers, scanners, etc.
- Processing − Data is manipulated through software programs. Which usually includes translation, formulas, code application and encryption etc.
- Output − The processed data is given to the user in the form of reports, audios, videos etc.
What is EDP?
Electronic data processing is an often used term for automatic information processing. It uses computers to manipulate, record, classify and summarize data. A computer is the best example of an electronic data processing machine, electronic data processing is an accurate and rapid method.
Electronic information handling or EDP is a quick, secure and hassle-free information generation framework that can produce any type of information. Does your association collect and deal with each and every little piece of data that you generate each day or just one set of information?
Whether your organization is small or large or your information handling needs are large or small, you can benefit from an Electronic Data Processing or EDP framework. EDP approaches for an advanced administration of your data-base. You can collect any kind of information such as minutes of meetings, telephone discussions, archives or meetings through the successful functioning of EDP. Therefore, Electronic data processing is best in the industry to process information and data sets. EDP is the preparation of information by a computer and its projects in a situation including electronic correspondence.
History of EDP-
Lyons Electronic Office developed the first Business Business Computer in the UK in 1951. At that time data could only be entered through punched tapes or cards. These punch cards need to be manufactured separately. Processing Commercial Data was extremely difficult and was really time consuming.
First of all individual organizations made their own Software Data Processing Software Bespoke. With the advent of microprocessors, punch cards were retired and it became possible to process data electronically using simple desktop computers.
Advantages of EDP-
Speed − Information stored and managed through EDP can be retrieved quickly.
Efficiency − It allows you to automatically and quickly generate summary documents (invoices, reports, statements).
Cost-Effective − The long-term overall cost of managing data through EDP is low.
Speed and Accuracy − When you add two numbers 12 and 13 with the help of Fingers. So this work can be done easily with the help of Fingers. But when you have to extract a list of 100 items, then this work will be difficult on the fingers and for this you will use a calculator, even after using the calculator, the sum is absolutely correct for you, it will be difficult to say with the claim, On the contrary, it is seen in departmental stores, where salespersons display the price on a terminal through a bar code on the Universal Product Code, and the software and printer associated with it immediately issue you the bill. This is the electronics method, in which work is done with high speed and accuracy.
Less Errors or Mistakes − Repeated entries, duplication of efforts are greatly reduced or eliminated in EDP.
EDP in Modern Era-
In today’s world of electronics, the term EDP is not used that much. Computers are used in almost every field. Companies employ employees to digitally convert their raw information to provide products and services to their customers in a timely and efficient manner.
Advantages of Electronic Data Processing-
In the modern age, no matter the size of the organization, a lot of information is generated every day requiring electronic data processing. This data ranges from the obvious (documents and invoices) to the less obvious and often undocumented (phone conversations, brainstorming meetings). Whether your organization collects every piece of information generated during the day or just a selected set of data, it can benefit from a robust electronic data processing strategy.
Electronic data processing (EDP) is the digital management of databases. Which is usually stored on a shared server and allows simultaneous access by all parties.
There are several distinct advantages of employing EDP −
- Speed − Information stored and managed through EDP can be retrieved almost instantly over a well-managed internal network or even the Internet.
- Efficient − Summary documents and related material such as invoices, reports and statements can be generated automatically and quickly through EDP.
- Economic − Once an electronic data processing system is built and implemented, over time it reduces the cost of managing data by a significant margin.
- Reduced Labor − Reduces or eliminates duplication of effort and repeated entries due to mistakes in manual data entry by EDP.